Welcome to New Age Saints!
An online resource and blog for those who believe in the fundamental doctrines of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Salt Lake City based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but who are not ‘fundamentalists’.
This website is not affiliated with, nor endorsed or authorized by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The opinions and comments on this website are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect doctrines, ideology, beliefs or teachings of any church or organization. This content is provided “as-is” with no warranty or guarantee as to its correctness or validity. Person using this website are advised to do so at their own risk.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am a New Age Saint, as well as a Latter-day Saint. I call myself a “New Age Saint” because I used to consider myself someone who believed in, and adhered to, the fundamental teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the LDS Church. Now the term “fundamentalist” has been tarnished by polygamists who have broken all ties with the Church of Jesus Christ. I do not align myself with, nor do I support or sympathize with, Fundamental Latter-day Saints (FLDS). I chose New Age Saint because some years ago I was attending a nondenominational spiritual retreat in Virginia. Most in attendance called themselves New Age believers. After a workshop on fasting as a tool to help prepare oneself to be closer to his or her spiritual guidance, I mentioned in my faith we fast once every month. They asked what church I attended and at first I was a bit hesitant to say the ‘Mormon Church’, but the Spirit overruled my hesitation and I told them. As it turned out, I was the only person still active in the church of his or her childhood. Everyone else had left the faith he or she had been taught while growing up. It surprised them someone of my beliefs attending a New Age gathering could be a committed Mormon. Yet there I was and so they asked what I believed in. They truly wanted to know what could keep me active in the same faith for all these years. The promise in Doctrine and Covenants Section 100 verses 5-8 was fulfilled as the Spirit directed my answer. I explained my beliefs in terms they could understand and found myself telling them that I believed in angels, modern prophets, ancient records written on gold plates translated with the Urim and Thummin, the gifts of the Spirit including tongues, visions, laying-on-of-hands and healings. The answers given that day illuminated my mind, for the Gospel had more in common with New Age beliefs than mainstream Christian faiths, so I started calling myself a New Age Saint. I am a Christian, Jesus Christ is at the center of my faith. I am a Latter-day Saint and serve in my local Ward and Stake. And I am a New Age Saint. Each reference to myself complements the other, I see only the similarities and not the differences some would try to put forward.
This website is for New Age Saints, regardless of whether or not they are members of the LDS Church. It is for those who believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and have Faith in God the Eternal Father and in His Son, Jesus the Christ. Thomas S. Monson is my Prophet, and he holds all the Keys of the Kingdom God has restored thus far. This website is NOT anti-Mormon, nor is it apologetic, trying to explain away controversies. You may be a New Age Saint yourself if any of the topics in the Why? section interest you and if you wonder why they are not taught or even discussed today. This is for those who find themselves struggling somewhere between Fundamentalists on the far-right and Liberals on the far-left. For those who have a strong belief in the Book of Mormon and all the Standard Works of the Church, and who believe God hears and answers prayers. This website is for all those who long for the meat of the Gospel.
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